Mac Microsoft Access Alternative

Mac Microsoft Access Alternative 9,6/10 4709 votes

IWork is Apple's alternative to Microsoft Office. It consists of Pages, Keynote and Numbers. These are broadly equivalent to Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Sep 24, 2016 The answer is the same for most of these types of questions. It depends on how easily the person writing the database can pick up on new systems (there is a database system within the Free/Open Source Open Office suite, and/or possib. Feb 09, 2019  I know Microsoft do not have a MS Office 'Access' database program that will run on a Mac. I also know there are NON Microsoft alternatives. But can anybody tell me why this is? Additional Comment: Very frustrating to find a major component of a software suite that will not run on a Mac. Yes, this is pointed out on the blurb but is hardle made. But it's far from your only option—whether you prefer to use open source alternatives from a philosophical standpoint or you don't have the big budget for a Microsoft Office subscription—there are several open source database applications that are worthy alternatives to proprietary software like Microsoft Access or Apple FileMaker. Apr 03, 2018 I haven’t tried using Access on OS X directly, but from looking at Microsoft Access in AppDB (a compatibility list for Wine), it could work on Wine, which runs some Windows software directly on the OS X (macOS) desktop.

Microsoft Access or MS Access is a database software developed by Microsoft. This database has a visual interface and that makes it very easy to use, also can be incorporated in different applications or use it as a standalone database.

You can import data from other databases or files (Excel, Word).

Designed both for beginners and professional users, this application offers a large number of ready to use templates organized in categories (business, personal, education) that can be downloaded online within MS Access interface.


Mac Microsoft Access Alternative Download

You can create relationships, object dependencies, includes a query wizard, can be integrated with Visual Basic, SQL Server or other Access databases.